Hi, I’m Logan.

I help people transform their love lives through 1:1 coaching, my dating bootcamp, weekly newsletter, and book.

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Discover the blind spots holding you back. Take the Three Dating Tendencies Quiz.

Propel your dating life.

Propel is a 2-week intensive bootcamp and private community for anyone who is ready to find their person. I’ll help you identify the patterns that are holding you back and teach you a strategic playbook for finding love.

A class? What about one-on-one coaching? After working with hundreds of clients, I’ve found that people make the biggest changes to their lives when they have a community of people around them who are working toward the same goal.

β€œI can’t take a dating class. My problems are unique!” I imagine you saying.

But here’s the thing: Most of us suffer from the same set of problems holding us back.

This course will provide you with much of the information that I share in one-on-one coaching, with the added benefit of group accountability.

Get 1:1 help from one of my hand-selected coaches

If you’re looking to get unstuck in your dating life, investing in a one-on-one coach is the best way to meet your goals. 

I work with several best-in-class dating coaches, who I’ve personally trained in my research and methodology. 

Your coach will help you identify the dating blindspots holding you back. You'll go deep and receive the life-changing, research-backed support that has helped hundreds of my clients find love after years of dating frustration.

If you’re ready to change your life, fill out this form so I can match you with your perfect coach. 

Date Smarter: Secrets to a Successful Profile

If you’re struggling to find attractive, emotionally-available matches, it’s time to upgrade your profile.

Crafting a great profile doesn’t have to feel like a guessing game. In my Secrets to a Successful Profile class, I’ll share the rigorous research behind what successful daters do differently.

I’ll walk you through step-by-step instructions so you can build a profile that accurately represents you, reveals what you’re looking for in a partner, and attracts the kind of people who you want to date.

We learn better when we learn together β€” with deadlines, accountability, and community.

Join the 65K+ people reading my weekly newsletter.

Learn how to find love and not f*** it up.

Let me introduce myself.

I’m a behavioral scientist turned dating coach, and the author of the bestselling book How To Not Die Alone. As the Director of Relationship Science at the dating app Hinge, I conduct research to help people find love. After studying psychology at Harvard, I ran Google’s behavioral science teamβ€”the Irrational Lab. 

Notable Exes:

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How to Not Die Alone is a data-driven, step-by-step guide to relationships, complete with hands-on exercises. It’s designed to transform your life. 

A definitive guide for a generation navigating the murky waters of modern love.” - ESTHER PEREL