Transform your love life with Propel

My two-week virtual bootcamp

Logan Ury speaking to a crowd

The sooner you
learn how to date, the sooner you can stop dating.

what's included

Propel bootcamp

propel bootcamp devices for the group training
You'll get access to:

10 hours of live workshop instruction from me

Q&A sessions with me

Small group learning

Dating app profile feedback 

Exclusive dating community

Join for $980

Add your name to the waitlist to hear about the next Propel course.
Join the waitlist

What past students have to say

“This bootcamp FAR and AWAY exceeded my expectations! Absolutely enjoyed every minute of it and am excited for my dating future now in a way that I never have been before!”

, 36

“I love Logan’s style of communicating. I also didn’t expect to be so impressed by the community of people in our group. Logan really brought out people’s vulnerabilities, positivity, and playfulness.”

, 55

“This course got me on the apps and dating. I'm not sure it would have happened had I not done the course!”

, 63

“I learned so much and feel encouraged to keep going instead of deleting the apps and retreating to my comfort zone. I got so much value from this course.”

, 35

“This course is a great reset, no matter how much you think you know. It was so helpful hearing things from other peoples’ perspectives.“

, 35

“This course was awesome! It has gotten me out of my dating rut and really helped me identify that I've been dating wrong my whole life! I wish I did this 5 years ago.”

, 36

“This course opened my eyes to my tendencies and made me self-aware of why I'm doing the things that I'm doing. I feel like I learned a roadmap to get to where I always wanted to end up, whereas before I was just going in circles.”

, 35

“As a 37 year old with the majority of my friends married/with children, it was extremely motivating to hear from like minded individuals who understand me. The environment was so encouraging and shame free."

, 37

“I was skeptical at first, but I got a ton out of the course! I had several epiphanies and I was surprised by how strongly the community enhanced the experience.”

, 32

“I was able to figure out what was holding me back and break that pattern. I’m now dating someone and I’m really happy. I’m so thankful I took this course.”

, 30

“This was the first time I’ve felt comfortable talking about dating with others. I felt something shift in me. I know how to present myself on the apps and in person. I know what I am looking for in a date, and when to say yes or no. You changed my life!”

, 56

What you’ll gain from this program

Clarity around patterns that are holding you back—& how to shift them

A new-and-improved dating profile designed to attract better matches

Tips to feel more empowered and in control of your dating life

A strategic playbook to get you off the app and onto a date

Tools to meet people off the apps

Unfiltered insights from a community of co-ed daters

Class schedule

Sessions are held from 4:30-6:30pm PT live on Zoom.

A group zoom session with Logan Ury on a laptop

Thursday, January 23rd

Kickoff + meet your community

Tuesday, January 28th

Workshop 1: Diagnose your dating dilemma

Many people suffer from dating blindspots — patterns of behavior or ways of thinking that are holding you back from finding love, but which you can’t identify on your own. In this session you’ll discover your secret blocks and create a plan to overcome them.

Wednesday, January 29th

Workshop 2: Create your best dating app profile 

You’re using the apps wrong. Yes, I said it. In this workshop I’ll reveal the secrets of successful daters, teach you how to avoid the most common dating app profile mistakes, and help you craft a new version of your profile.

Thursday, January 30th

Q&A + small group session

Tuesday, February 4th

Workshop 3: Get off the apps and onto great dates

I’ll give you my tried-and-true strategies for the apps to help you spend less time on your phone and more time on great dates. I’ll teach you how to avoid emotionally unavailable matches, focus on what matters, and get closer to finding your person. We’ll also cover how to meet people in real life.

Wednesday, February 5th

Q&A + small group session

Thursday, February 6th

Closing ceremony + swiping party

Thursday, February 20

Kickoff + meet your community

Tuesday, February 25th

Workshop 1: Diagnose your dating dilemma

Many people suffer from dating blindspots — patterns of behavior or ways of thinking that are holding you back from finding love, but which you can’t identify on your own. In this session you’ll discover your secret blocks and create a plan to overcome them.

Wednesday, February 26th

Workshop 2: Create your best dating app profile 

You’re using the apps wrong. Yes, I said it. In this workshop I’ll reveal the secrets of successful daters, teach you how to avoid the most common dating app profile mistakes, and help you craft a new version of your profile.

Thursday, February 27th

Q&A + Pod Session

Tuesday, March 4th

Workshop 3: Get off the apps and onto great dates

Once you have your perfect profile, it’s time to work the apps so they work for you. You’ll learn how to set your filters, evaluate profiles, send messages, and get to the date. You’ll avoid emotionally unavailable matches, focus on what matters, and get closer to finding your person.

But meeting online isn’t the only way to find someone. We’ll also cover how to approach people in real life, and why you should practice #ABF (always be flirting). 

Finally, we’ll talk about designing great dates — dates that lead to relationships. Together we’ll say “F*ck the spark.” You’ll understand when to go on the second date and why you should go after the slow burn.

Wednesday, March 5th

Q&A + Pod Session

Thursday, March 6th

Closing Ceremony + Swiping Party

January 28th - February 6th

Thursday, January 23rd

Kickoff + meet your community

Tuesday, January 28th

Workshop 1: Diagnose your dating dilemma

Many people suffer from dating blindspots — patterns of behavior or ways of thinking that are holding you back from finding love, but which you can’t identify on your own. In this session you’ll discover your secret blocks and create a plan to overcome them.

Wednesday, January 29th

Workshop 2: Create your best dating app profile 

You’re using the apps wrong. Yes, I said it. In this workshop I’ll reveal the secrets of successful daters, teach you how to avoid the most common dating app profile mistakes, and help you craft a new version of your profile.

Thursday, January 30th

Q&A + small group session

Tuesday, February 4th

Workshop 3: Get off the apps and onto great dates

I’ll give you my tried-and-true strategies for the apps to help you spend less time on your phone and more time on great dates. I’ll teach you how to avoid emotionally unavailable matches, focus on what matters, and get closer to finding your person. We’ll also cover how to meet people in real life.

Wednesday, February 5th

Q&A + small group session

Thursday, February 6th

Closing ceremony + swiping party

A couple kissing at a carnival

This course is for you if:

You’re sick of dating and are ready for a long-term relationship

You feel stuck in your dating life and don’t know what you’re doing wrong

You want a tried-and-true method that will change your dating life forever

about me

Meet your instructor

Hi! I’m Logan. I wrote the bestselling dating book, How to Not Die Alone, and am the featured dating coach on the Netflix series The Later Daters.

I work as the Director of Relationship Science at Hinge and have spent the last decade researching dating and relationships. In this class, I’m going to teach you what I’ve taught hundreds of singles from around the world. Using tried and true techniques, based on my research at Hinge and work with clients, I’ll help you break your bad habits and replace them with healthier ones.

Logan Ury smiling in a brown suit sitting on a white couch

Meet your instructor

Hi! I’m Logan. I wrote the bestselling dating book How to Not Die Alone, and I'm the featured dating coach on the Netflix series The Later Daters.

I work as the Director of Relationship Science at Hinge and have spent the last decade researching dating and relationships.

In this class, I’m going to teach you what I’ve taught hundreds of singles from around the world. Using tried and true techniques, based on my research at Hinge and work with clients, I’ll help you break your bad habits and replace them with healthier ones.


When will the next cohort run?

We will be running two cohorts in the winter. The first will be from January 23rd to February 6th, 2025.  The second will be from February 20th to March 6th, 2025.

Who is this course for?

This course is for single people who are looking to find a serious relationship. We’ll help you identify the patterns that are holding you back, and teach you a strategic playbook for finding love.

What's the time commitment?

Prepare to commit 8-10 hours per week.

Will I be in a relationship by the end of this course?

I wouldn’t make that guarantee and I wouldn’t trust anyone who does. So much of your success depends on you: how open you’re willing to be and how much work you’re willing to put in. There’s also another component — the person you’re going to date! You can do everything right but it still takes time to find the right person.

What is a pod?

A small group of ~7 students to hold discussions and provide accountability.

I've read your book. Will I get anything else from this course?

Yes, you'll get updated research and dating strategies not covered in the book.

Still have questions?

Stop waiting. Transform your dating life.